Why do I feel so healthy making art?


I just know it’s good for me! OK there are times when I can feel a bit angsty about what I’m painting but it passes or I can go away and think about it. I get stuck and hot and bothered too but really I am grateful for what a privilege it is to be painting at all – come to think of it it’s a privilege to be breathing isn’t it?


It’s a solitary occupation of time but that suits me. Meeting up with friends is a wonderful diversion as is my lovely family and my other work. Mostly, however, I love it because it is a meditation in itself. Sometimes one is totally lost in the work and other times it’s an opportunity to think things through. Generally though it is a time of utter focus and time passes without perception. I’m always burning the tea!

If times are tough painting is a great way to shift focus but also the creation of art relies on having plenty of time for creativity and rumination. The chewing of the cud. Before that can happen we need to look around and REALLY notice things – colour juxtapositions, tonal values, shape placement and all this means not looking. Not JUST looking but looking to see, to REALLY see. This is the basis for mindfulness. This is the root to health.

Mindfulness is present throughout my painting process and I do my best to incorporate it into my every day movements and perceptions. It certainly brings with it a calmness and a sense of gratitude. Gratitude is another health boosting practice.

To this end I practise yoga and meditation whenever I can and listen to music which stimulates the right side of my brain. All these things bring health into my life. Creativity itself is about play. We should all cultivate play in our lives in whatever way we can.


I have really enjoyed painting this piece entitled “Spirit Moon” which is 30″ x 30″ acrylic on canvas. Just letting ideas flow with no real goal or vision of what was to emerge. It feels exciting to see the painting emerge forth.


I’m pleased to say it was seen and SOLD before it was even dry!

20″ x 20″ prints are available for £60

Let’s see what comes next – my head is full of ideas. So much so it feels like this sometimes:

Clare photoshop2Stuffed with ideas.

I think it’s time to meditate!!

2 thoughts on “Why do I feel so healthy making art?

  1. beautifully said… reiterates much of what I have been reading in ‘The Artist’s Way’ by Julia Cameron… for some reason I picked it up again this season. I can see why the painting sold before it was dry… it glows, it has magic, and it holds all those moments of paying attention that you describe.


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